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Monday 10 November 2008

The world's most intelligent fish - he plays football, basketball and even limbo dances

Introducing the world's most intelligent fish - he can play football, basketball and even limbo dance under a bar.

Comet the goldfish has been trained by his owner to perform the astonishing range of aquatic activities on demand.

And that's not all - watery genius can also play fetch with a hoop, slalom around a series of poles and push a rugby ball over a set of posts.

Owner Dr Dean Pomerleau, 41, used a training technique called positive reinforcement to train two year old common goldfish Comet to carry out the tricks.

But there's nothing fishy about his claim - in fact, he says anyone can do the same with their own pet.

Fish training expert Dr Pomerleau said: "There is mounting evidence that fish are more intelligent than people give them credit for.

"With the correct tools and the basic promise of a food reward, fish can very quickly learn complex tricks - like the limbo, slalom or playing fetch. (Read more)

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