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Monday 29 November 2010

How to get rid of Paint Odors

A freshly painted fence or wall may look great, but the smell or odor of the paint is not very pleasant. Moreover, the smell of paint fumes may cause dizziness, burning eyes, nausea and headaches to some people.

Paint fumes are also toxic and can cause long-term pulmonary and respiratory damage. If you are wondering how to get rid of paint odors, I have some home tips which can help you in effectively removing the smell of paint from the premises.

* Leave a Bucket of water with several pieces of onion overnight in the freshly painted room to counteract with the smell of paint.

* Put salt all over the freshly painted room and remove them after a day to get rid of paint odor in the room.
* Place lemon slices all over the painted room and throw them out later to remove paint smell.

* Adding 1 tablespoon of pure vanilla extract per each gallon of paint and mixing well before using the paint for painting can make the paint smell differently. You may also use Peppermint oil instead of the expensive Vanilla Extract. Add lemon extract for white paint.

* Place chopped onions in a plate and leave it for 2-3 days till they are shriveled up and dry. After that ventilate the room well and clean up the room well.

* Placing tubs full of water with an ounce of vitriolic acid added to it in the freshly painted room and replacing it every day for 3 days should remove the paint smell completely.

* Crush some wood charcoal into small pieces and place it in a bucket together with some pieces of wet paper towels and keep the bucket in the middle of the room overnight. Clean up the room next day.

* Leave a burning candle in a small bowl of water in the middle of the freshly painted room and let it stay there for about three hours.

Hope these home remedies can help you in removing paint odors. You may also use Odor-free paints which are available from many household supply stores instead of the normal paints for painting.

Saturday 27 November 2010

Research Says Scent of Pumpkin Pie Sexually Arouses Men

According to a research study from the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, men are more sexually aroused by the scent of pumpkin pie mixed with lavender, than any other fancy perfume.

Lead researchers, Dr. Alan Hirsch and Dr. Jason Gruss tested 24 different scents on men aged 18 to 64 and recorded their penile blood flow. Black licorice and doughnut, was the next highest sexually arousing scent and only garnered 31.5 percent response; pumpkin pie and lavender scored 40%. Perfume Lily of the Valley and buttered popcorn were at the bottom of the list.

The research team theorized that pleasant "food" odors, which tend to positively heighten behaviors, would likely increase penile blood flow in men, as the scent triggers positive relaxing and nostalgic reaction, particularly of past sexual partners or of their favorite foods.

For older men, the response to vanilla was stronger compared to younger men.

The research team have also theorized that the food odor acts neurophysiologically in that direct pathway connects the olfactory bulb to the septal nucleus, which in turn induces blood flow and erection.

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