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Friday 17 October 2008

Chocolate Chip Cookies

George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and Mark Twain never tasted one. That is because they died before the chocolate cookie was invented. Thanks to Ruth Wakefield, chocolate chip cookies were invented in 1930 and are available all over America today. She didn’t plan to invent a cookie that would be the country’s favorite. Wakefield was busy with the chores of running the Toll House Inn, which is between Boston and New Bedford, Massachusetts. While mixing a batch of cookies, she found out that she was out of baker’s chocolate. As a substitute, she broke some sweetened chocolate into small pieces and added them to the cookie dough. Wakefield expected the chocolate to melt and the dough to absorb them, making chocolate cookies. When she took out the pan from the oven, she was surprised to see that the chocolate had not melted into the dough, and her cookies were not chocolate cookies. Wakefield had accidentally invented the chocolate chip cookie. They are named Toll House Cookies after Ruth Wakefield’s Inn and are the most popular variety of cookie in America today. The cookies are so popular that they even provide full-time jobs; some vendors sell nothing but chocolate chip cookies.

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